5 menit sehari sama dengan 300 pengunjung berkualitas setiap hari

Yusrizal 08.00

300 unique visitors/day from blog commenting?

In this report I want to discuss about blog commenting. And how just ONE simple comment once drove me over 50 laser targered visitors to my personal blog. 

90% of marketers approach this strategy wrong. They go and post short, spammy comments on random blogs all day long and wondering why it's working for them? What I'm going to reveal you below will totally change the way you do blog commenting for traffic. 

And the most important thing is that it really WORKS! Ready? The secret of getting traffic by leaving comments on high trafficed blogs is not about the quantity. 

It's about one very crucial thing: BEING FIRST! What I mean by that? See, most comments are sorted from old to new (from top to bottom). When you are commenting first, your comment will appear at the top, just below the original article. All other comments will go below yours. Which means those who read the post are most likely to notice and read your comment. Check out the picture on the next page to see what I mean.

Now let me ask you this: When you find an article with over 100 comments, do you always read all those 100 comments? Probably not, but how about the first one? Gotcha! :-) Now when we know how to get the most attention from those blog readers, let's discuss about the content of your comment. 

Content of your comment Your comment should be: - high quality - valuable - incomplete (very important!) What I mean by incomplete? In order to get clicks to your blog, you don't want to reveal everything in your comment right away. Let's say that the blog post is about making money with adsense. 

So, somewhere at the bottom of my comment I would say something like: 

"I'm using very similar method and it's a great way to earn money with adsense. Except I put my own sneaky twist on it. Now it works on complete autopilot and makes way more money. 

I have a whole article on this {insert_your_website_URL}." 

See what I did? I know it's very specific. But that's just an example. Think outside the box and make things curious. This is what will get you maximum results with blog commenting. To find blogs you can either watch your favorite niche blogs closely or use Google Alerts which notifies you about the newest blog posts in your niche. 

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