Cara mengahsilkan 100$ per hari dari searching BING

Yusrizal 06.14
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Configuring your browser to use Bing Pong's "Perform dashboard tasks" feature (Note: This is also how you set up Bing Pong to use multiple accounts)

ONE MAJOR CAVEAT: Browser compatibility is limited!

This option requires disabling a security feature in your browser that prevents Bing Pong from fetching the contents of your Bing Rewards dashboard. At this time, the only browser where this security feature can be disabled to my knowledge is Google Chrome. This is not to say a workaround does not exist for any other browser. I just do not know of a way to work around this in other browsers that will allow this option to work properly. I will update this page if I obtain more information. Also, I will update this guide as questions come in via e-mail. 


If you are having problems applying these instructions, feel free to contact me.
Chrome needs to be ran with the --disable-web-security flag.
There are several ways you can do this, but I recommend doing the following:

1. Create a shortcut
Right-click on the Google Chrome icon and click on Create shortcut.

2. Add the "--disable-web-security" flag to the shortcut
Right-click on the newly-created shortcut, click on Properties, and then add --disable-web-security to the end of the Target field.
Leave a space between --disable-web-security and whatever is already in the Target field.
Press OK to save the changes.
(NOTE: Add --disable-web-security AFTER the quotes, not before!)

3. Kill all open "chrome.exe" processes 
Open the Task Manager (via Ctrl+Alt+Del), go to Processes, and then kill all chrome.exe processes by clicking on each and clicking End Process. 

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